Elections 2024

Make your voice heard! Between 22 and 25 April 2024 students can vote for the Faculty Council and the University Council and employees can vote for the Service Councils. 

These are important bodies through which participation and having a voice within Maastricht university are formally regulated.

Voting is possible between 22 April 08.00 hrs. and 25 April 18.00 hrs. 

Not possible to vote online?

You can also cast your vote at the following locations:

  • Location 1: Minderbroedersberg 4-6 k. 2.009, from Monday until Thursday between 09.00 and 17.00.
  • Location 2: Endepolsdomein 150 (temporary Randwyck Library), on Tuesday 23 April, 10.00-12.00 and Thursday 25 April, 14.00-16.00.

Please note: showing your student ID is mandatory.

Questions?: verkiezingen@maastrichtuniversity.nl
