KAN we change it? Yes, we KAN!

KAN is an international community and student party at UM. We ensure that YOUR voice is heard and that UM is held accountable.

Standing united for people and planet, our main priorities are: 

  • More and better accessible study spaces

  • Affordable and healthy food at the cafeterias

  • Reflection weeks for every program 

Furthermore, we will continue advancing the following topics in the councils:

  • Sustainability & Climate Justice: Phasing out of fossil fuels, improving flight policy, and increasing energy efficiency.

  • Diversity & Inclusivity: Promoting and attracting diverse backgrounds and improving learning accessibility.

  • Wellbeing: Mental health, housing, and sexual safety: Introducing new initiatives and increasing support facilities and resources.

  • Education and Careers: Ensuring equitable access to career services and platforms, as well as a future-proof curriculum.

  • Community and Internationalization: Easing international arrival and integration within the local community and realizing more cross-faculty collaboration.

We believe that social responsibility goes hand in hand with a thriving university.

Check our website for much more policy insight and faculty specific plans: 2024 Campaign.
Reach out for any concerns via social media or on our website.

Let’s make UM a better place together!

Alina Timosenco

Alina Timosenco

Hello, SBE!  I'm Alina, a master's student majoring in Sustainability, and the KAN canditate for the Faculty Council. When not studying, I enjoy reading, running, and pet-sitting. My commitment lies in advancing sustainability initiatives within our curriculum, ensuring affordable meal options in our cafeteria, and prioritizing student well-being. I aim to bring tangible improvements to our university experience. Your support will enable me to make a real change for our community!